Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Molly is getting baptized on Saturday!

Hey friends! How goes life? Today we had to go to the mall to get a new bag for Sister Orseth so you get a short message from me again. I know, you probably prefer it that way right? Ha ha.
The most exciting thing that is going on is that Molly is getting baptized on Saturday! So this week we get to set up all the details and make sure no one forgets that they are giving a talk because that may or may not have happened in the past... We also picked up some awesome new investigators this week, the most interesting of which is Nick. He is friends with one of our members JJ. She invited him to watch conference and he watched both Sunday sessions! We had a little get to know him lesson after he came to church on Sunday and it seems like he is going to progress really well. The only problem for us is... he's only 21. Darn those YSA's they get all the good ones. But I'm excited for him to learn more.
Other than that, things have been about the same. Sorry I don't have really anything fun or exciting to say this week. We went to Chaparral once and it was just as creepy as always. We have a lot of lessons with potential investigators this week so hopefully we'll have some good new people to start meeting with soon. It seems like all of our regular investigators have been out of town or "out of town" recently so hopefully we can turn that around soon.
This morning I read something really interesting in my scriptures. I reminded me that the scriptures always teach us something new, particularly pertaining to our own needs at the time. It's amazing how something different will stand out to us or stand out in a different way that will help to answer a question or resolve a concern or even just to teach us. For example, I was kind of bummed about having to pass off two of our investigators to other missionaries. Of course I was glad that they are being taught, but I guess in a selfish way I wanted someone good to teach. This morning though I read Alma 20, where Ammon and Lamoni go to save Aaron and everyone from prison and run into King Lamoni's dad. Well, long story short, King Lamoni's dad (whose name I don't think they ever  say, weird huh) is impressed by Ammon and asks him to come and visit him and teach him in his kingdom (vs 27). Well the other day I read Alma 22 where Aaron goes to teach King Lamoni's dad and his dad asks "where is Ammon?" and Aaron tells him " the Spirit of the Lord has called him another way; he has gone to the land of Ishmael, to teach the people of Lamoni." Or in other words, he went back to his area to work with the people there. Even though it was Ammon who had this original meeting and kind of picked up King Lamoni's dad as an investigator, and he was a super amazing investigator, he knew it was more important to pass him off or, send him as a referral to the missionaries in his area who would be Aaron. So he did, and went back to his own area and no big deal. So, mind blowing, no not really, but certainly applicable to my current circumstances. And it can be like that every time we read. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is read your scriptures because they apply to you!
Anyway, hope you all have an amazing week!


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