Hello friends! This
week was I feel like pretty eventful so hopefully I can say everything that I'd
like to! I feel like our area is really starting to do well and we are really
having success at finding and teaching new investigators. Which inevitable means
that I am about to get transferred. Whenever the area really starts to turn
around and good things start happening there I get booted. But who know, I
guess we'll see in a few weeks.
Let's see, where to start. This week we
were able to pick up two new investigators who both now look like they have a
lot of potential. The first is a girl that we tracked into named Haley. She and
her son Colton are looking for a new church to join and have never heard of our
church before. What they have heard of though is some scary sounding Korean
church she was investigating a few weeks ago where you have to wear veils and
they have additional scripture that answers all of your questions that you
can't see or know about until you become a member. So you know I figure, if she
was willing to give that a shot we ought to be pretty golden! She was it seems
pretty involved in Wicca in the past though and probably has been watching a
little too much Buffy the Vampire Slayer/ Supernatural (we got a lot of
questions about Lilith and succubus and the Hell Mouth (ok, maybe not that last
one...)) but that shouldn't be too hard to straighten out. And she is really
interested and honest with her questions so I'm excited for her!
Our second new investigator is named
Victor and we've had some interesting times with him... We scheduled two
appointments with him which were both dropped (he forgot about them) and we
helped him move some branches out of a truck. Finally, on Saturday we had a
lesson with him which was a disaster! He kept getting distracted about random
things, we would say apostle and he started talking about opossums and about
how he liked my boots and oh my lanta it was a mess. Sister Bishop is amazing
though and even with all of that nonsense going on she still invited him to
baptism! And somehow we got a return appointment with him the next day. I don't
know for sure what happened between Saturday night and Sunday afternoon but the
next day the lesson was totally different. He was on track, calm, listened and
answered questions and we were able to teach a good and powerful restoration
lesson. At the end of it he said "I know what you are telling me is
true." and as we were leaving he stared reading the chapter that we left
for him in the Book of Mormon.
Charles and Judi and continuing to do
well, and working on their word of wisdom fantastically! This week were also
able to meet with some amazing potentials as well! So we are hoping to get some
great new investigators this week.
We've been having some fun with the
Chaparral Elders recently. Elder Evan's new companion is from Peru and doesn't
speak a whole lot of English, so Elder Evans has been teaching him English and
he is practicing with us. He is also teaching us a little Spanish as well. The
Elders came over the other day to bring us back our GPS and Sister Dummar and
Sister Bishop kept offering him food. The poor guy didn't know it was ok to say
no! And he also made us lunch yesterday when we went out to Chappy to see our
new investigator Tina. We also got to see Elder Evan's hole. Apparently for
exercise he just digs a hole deeper and deeper every day. I guess you can do
that when you live out in the middle of nowhere. I'll have to take a picture of
it the next time I go out there but it's at least 6 ft deep.
We've been having a lot of adventures out in Chappy recently including
talking to random German people, eating a lot of food, and organizing jewelry
with Tina. So it's been fun! This is my 5th transfer covering Chappy and I
still see something exciting every time I go there. One of these days I'll have
to go explore it as a regular person.
In other quick news, our stake split of
course but only the same way that it was already split by zones so it doesn't
really influence us, Sister Dummar has officially become my secretary ( I just
realized that I always make her write everything down for some reason) and
probably will be forever. When is secretary day? Someone tell me and I'll get
her something =D Also, I've been teasing her because she almost told someone
their house smelt nice when it reeked like pot ha ha.
Ok, really quickly, I have been thinking
a lot recently and wanted to talk about something a random man in a Rio Rancho
Walmart dubbed as "low informational Christians". He told us he was
sick of talking to and running into them and I have to say I agree! Ok, now let’s
not get crazy here, you are always learning of course and you are never going
to know everything, especially random things like dates, but so many people
claim to be Christians and don't know anything about it! Do you know how many
people don't know the 10 commandments? How can you follow them if you don't
know what they are! And even in the church, it scares me honestly how little
people know about their own faith. I've had missionaries ask me "wait...
the Book of Mormon was written where again?" Please, read and study your
scriptures. Lean, grow, fulfill your purpose of being here on the earth! If you
can tell me more about Minecraft than Nephi we have an issue! The way that you
obtain freedom is from knowledge, enlightenment and understanding. Do you know
how many people have died, sacrificed and given anything so your scriptures
could exist today! Don't waste their sacrifice. It has been said that the
scriptures have never been more accessible than they are today BECAUSE they
have never been more needed. Heavenly Father is giving us the tools and he
expects us to use them. Ok, sorry, this turned into way more of a lecture than
I wanted but I don't have time to beat around the bush and make is eloquent. I
promise next week I'll write about something more uplifting!