Monday, March 31, 2014
Thirty One
For FHE tonight we met as a ward, made pizza in our bishoprick member's brick over and watched a movie that all of the groups had put together. It was really fun and making pizza was cool, despite the fact that it was absolutely freezing outside!
Friday, March 28, 2014
Day Twenty Eight
Tonight I hung out with some of my friend from Japanese. We played, Settlers of Catan, "fought" about Sherlock Holmes, made cupcakes and just talked. If Japanese hadn't taken so much time I would have loved to have kept taking it. And as great at the class was, what I loved the most was how close everyone in the class got. I don't know why but something about language classes seems to bring people together.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Day Twenty Three
Yesterday Autumn had an adorable freak out about going out on a first date with a guy and today she's super excited about him. It's just so cute and awesome. Isn't it funny how meeting new people can either be amazing or awful?
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Day Twenty Two
This evening I had the opportunity to go to the BYU men's chorus concert and it was amazing. I've been to a lot of chorus and music types of things this year, a lot more than normal and I'm glad I have. It's really easy to forget sometimes simple things like music that can be so uplifting.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Day Twenty
I got field of dreams in the mail for a friend today but of course I had to watch it first and it was great. Field of Dreams was Grant's favorite movie for a long time so we watched it every so often growing up. It reminds me of that and it also reminds me of playing baseball and softball as a kid, which was so great. Baseball/softball is the best sport to play for sure.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Day Eighteen
Yes, I'll own up to it, today Netflix made me pretty happy. I watched a good chunk of How I Met Your Mother today between homework. It's only 20 minutes so it's the perfect break between doing things when you're just tired of school and assignment. And the ability to just have it at my disposal is pretty awesome. Oh Netfix, I'm going to miss you when you're gone. =D
Monday, March 17, 2014
Day Seventeen
The crazy forms of communication that we have at our disposal not only amaze me but regularly cause me a good deal of happiness so, they're the choice for today. Yesterday was Katy's birthday and I was able to talk to her through both text and IM. It's just crazy really.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Day Sixteen
Having friends that live so close is what I'm picking for today, especially considering the whole no car thing. BYU has an interesting dynamic that I've never really experienced anywhere else where you see everyone at everything and everyone seems to some how be connected to someone else. The same kids that are your neighbors are in your ward and are in class with you. I guess in a way it was similar in school when the kids I went to church with were also at school with me but that was never more than a few kids. And, here those kids live walking distance (or close to it) away. It's a real sense of community that I never really expected.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Day Fifteen
Today cars makes me happy. I feel like I always appreciated cars but I never realized how essential they are to modern life until I left home without one. Today we had Stake Conference and it would have been almost impossible to get there without a car. Thankfully, I was able to bum a ride off of my friend Laura and all was right with the world.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Day Fourteen
Bad movies are amazing and I had so much fun with them today. My friend Josh had never seen the old Hobbit and LOTR movies from the 70's and so we decided that it was an experience he needed to have. I also had some extra cold stone gift cards so we went there and got an ice cream cake and ice cream cupcakes. We had planned to get the old Hobbit movie from the Provo library but of course true to character it disappointed us and wasn't available. Determined to watch some bad movies though, we watched Conqueror of Shamballa and the old Fellowship/Two Towers movie and the old Return of the King. The experience was even better once Josh realized that the Return of the King was a "musical." After those glorious films we reantiquated ourselves with good entertainment with some "How I Met Your Mother."
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Day Thirteen
Today it's going to be batteries. I'm glad that batteries exist. Recently the charger of my laptop broke and it has been frustrating having to go about borrowing other people's until I can get a new one. Thankfully though I've got a few hours while the battery is charged up. And if you think about it, batteries in general are kind of awesome. I mean, they store energy and allow you use electronic devices pretty much anywhere. How cool is that?
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Day Twelve
I'm happy today to have crazy dreams. Sometimes I can trace where they come from and sometime I can't but they're always entertaining and memorable. Today I had a dream that I was at a thrift show somewhere in Provo. After a little while I got tired and decided to fall asleep at a table outside. Because that makes sense right? After a while I woke up and David Henry and Megan Hundley were painted blue with a bunch of other people and doing some kind of weird dance. I was then approached by Tyler Moore who was for some reason wearing heart shaped sunglasses. Not like two heart shapes over his eyes but just one giant heart covering his face. Why I have no idea. He told me he was glad that he had run into me here because he had a letter for me from his friend Matt Ratelle who was for some reason serving a second mission in North Korea. His letter was typed out with pictures of everything that he was talking about. It was pretty standard missionary stuff, taught this person, ate this food, and so on until the end. Apparently Josh Palsky was also serving a second mission in North Korea and had met up with Matt at some conference or something and had told him all about his plans to sneak his fiance into North Korea so that she could work towards fulfilling her life long ambition of teaching underprivileged children the joys of music. And then the letter was over and I woke up. It was really weird.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Day Eleven
Today we had a Relief Society meeting combined with our Elder' Quorum where we had our wrists tied to the person sitting next to us and then had to eat spaghetti. It was fun and I'm just happy to have wards and ward activities. Some friends of mine a little while ago where talking about how they don't know anyone around where they live aside from themselves. I remember thinking that was crazy until I realized I know everyone around me through church! It's a great way to meet new people and build a community.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Day Ten
Today I'm happy for bad days. I know that probably doesn't make any sense but I was just in a really bad mood today until I realized that usually I'm much happier than this. So it helped me to realized that generally life is pretty good!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Day Nine
Beds are great. And even though I only spent one night sleeping on the ground and in the car, I was already grateful to come back to a real bed. Even if it is just a little too short for me.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Day Eight
Today I have to say that it's nature, after all I spent the weekend on a photography trip and Moab. Even Utah nature which is kind of ugly, is fascinating and beautiful in it's own way. And yeah even though I like beds and heat and all that junk sometimes it's nice to just get out in nature and stuff. Here's a picture I took a delicate arch, one of Utah's most famous.

Friday, March 7, 2014
Day Seven
Today it is absolutely that zero degree sleeping bags exist. This weekend I went camping in moab and when we got to the campsite and midnight and still had to set up I was pretty happy to crawl into that sleeping bag once we were done. It wasn't actually that cold, probably in the 20's but still, it made me pretty happy.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Day Six
Since it's her birthday today obviously I have to be happy that the Chicken, aka Brandi is in my life. She's turning sixteen today which is absolutely bananas but I guess we all have to do it some time right? She's kind of a weird little thing but, we all tend to like her anyway.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Day Five
Hmmm.... Today I'm going to have to say that ice cream is pretty great. I mean no, it's not amazing, and I don't love it as much as some people (I'm looking at you Autumn) but it is pretty great. A friend of mine and I had a conversation today that went something like this.
"I just found this awesome looking new flavor of ice cream at the store".
"Did you buy it"
"I coming over."
"I figured."
"I just found this awesome looking new flavor of ice cream at the store".
"Did you buy it"
"I coming over."
"I figured."
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Day Four
Today I'm going to pick where I work at the Chemistry Business Office. It's on campus in the Nicholes building which is attached to the Benson if you want to come track me down. It really is a great place to be, especially considering how skeptical I was of on campus jobs after the bookstore media thing. I've learned a lot of super random things about chemistry (still waiting for someone to buy methylamine) and business and I'm glad to have the opportunity to work there.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Day Three
Seth Price came up to Provo today to look for housing and to interview at the MTC. I got to talk to him for a bit between my classes and we made a shady exchange with down by the duck pond. I gave him the list of literature I wrote the other day and and he gave me a bag with some stuff from Nevada. Not exactly that shady but what can you do right?
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Day Two

Today I had a conversation via scriptures. It was cool, we just sent scriptures back and forth . Conversations through irregular means like scriptures, books, songs, etc is always interesting. You have to be creative to make a point and to make it make sense in the conversation. And it tests your knowledge of whatever you're talking though, especially for something like scriptures. I could have taken a picture of my normal scriptures but, why do that when I could just use this random stock image right?
Saturday, March 1, 2014
100 Days of Happiness
So I saw a thing on Facebook the other day where is was like, "Are you cool? Come up with 1 thing that makes you happy for 100 days." And I decided, "Hey, I'm pretty spiffy. And I haven't randomly done one of these things since the countdown to my high school graduations, so why not.?" So here we are, why not. It'll give me something to post about on the poor neglected Jean Grey here. And so with that I give you...
Day One.
Today I made a list of 100 works of literature that I have read and enjoyed. Aaron said that he didn't know any good literature so I told him I'd give him 100 to read in the next three years. I forgot to take a picture of it before I gave it away so I don't have that to offer and I don't remember exactly what was on it either, bummer. But is was fun to come up with. This is a picture I took my senior year of high school as part of a line study in my photography class. Some of the books in the piles are on the list.
Day One.
Today I made a list of 100 works of literature that I have read and enjoyed. Aaron said that he didn't know any good literature so I told him I'd give him 100 to read in the next three years. I forgot to take a picture of it before I gave it away so I don't have that to offer and I don't remember exactly what was on it either, bummer. But is was fun to come up with. This is a picture I took my senior year of high school as part of a line study in my photography class. Some of the books in the piles are on the list.
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