Day 37 - A picture of the people you spend most of your time with.
No surprise here right? You've seen most of these people before. This was the 8th grade Valentines day dance at our middle school. We all went to the same school except for Karoline, she came with Riley. In fact, middle school is were I met all of these people. Except for Riley and Karoline, who I went to church with. So just in case you forgot them, I'll introduce you to these people again.
Top row: James, Chelsea, Hillary, Scott
Bottom row: Karoline, Riley, April (that's me!), Katy
Here we are again! Well, some of us. This was I think two years ago? It was summer so we decided to go to a local man made island. Yeah, that's right, in my area we have our own local man made island, that's how cool we are here. So again here we have Chelsea, Katy, Hillary, myself, Scott, and buried there in the middle is James.

Another prom picture, but It's one of my favorites and I think we've already establish the fact that some strange problem of mine prevents me from simply posting one picture if at all possible not to. Here we have: Chelsea, Natalie, Scott, Myself, Katy, and Hillary. This is our high school, or part of it at least. It suddenly occurred to me that you can't see like any of the actual school in this picture. Instead of flowers we all got matching umbrellas, which not only allowed us to take an awesome picture (and were handy since it was raining that day), but I think will also be a lot more useful to me in the overall span of my lifetime. Unless of course I end up permanently living in Utah or something, but I'm kind of hoping that never happens.